Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some Days Are Longer then Others...

I have a child who hates sleep, fights sleep, resents a result I am sleep deprived! But the dirty truth is she is just like me!! I hate to go to sleep, I am sad when the day is done...I want to just stay up and keep going!

Darling little Kathleen has taught me to ENJOY sleep and try to get as much as I can...I am still working on that part...tonight I really wanted to go to bed early but my little daughter is still up and midnight is fast approaching.

On a brighter note my little headband was showcased on Prudent Baby!

I am absolutely THRILLED!! It has really brightened my tired spirit!
Wish i could say I am off to bed but the nighttime tantrum continues...I wish I had Charlie's gift of sleeping through the noise!

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